
“Asset Tagging is the process of affixing labels to the fixed assets for their identification and indexation. It is utmost critical for organizations to ensure that their precious assets contributing to the business success are monitored on a daily basis. This tagging allows companies and their key stakeholders to review, maintain and upgrade installed assets for seamless business performance. 

The tagging solutions today utilize a near perfect combination of expertise and technology to ensure accuracy and consistency. The assets data thus available to the management may include asset location, users, purchase history, maintenance schedules and depreciation value. 

Tagmyassets is a venture promoted by founders who are seasoned auditors. It has been customized for the Indian industries considering regulatory and legal requirements. Tagmyassets not only enable compliance with statutory norms, but also ensure that your business is completely able to leverage these asssets. 

Tag My Asstes Team
Tag My Asstes Team

We work with the latest technology available for helping organizations of all sizes manage and maintain their assets including fleets, facilities, consumables, equipment, property and infrastructure efficiently and cost-effectively.

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